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Data shows the consequences of older adult falls

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2023 | Personal Injury |

Falls have serious consequences, regardless of one’s age. However, it is vital for older adults and those who help take care of them to understand that falls are especially devastating for those 65 and over. These falls happen for a wide variety of reasons, and some occur due to the negligence of another party (such as a careless business owner or property owner).

Statistics reveal the devastating impact of these falls and highlight the importance of taking preventative measures.

The prevalence of falls among older adults

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention posted data on falls among older adults, listing falls as the number one cause of injury-related deaths among people 65 and over. In 2019, over 34,000 older adults lost their lives as a result of falls.

Aside from fatalities, these falls also result in a significant number of injuries. Over the course of 2019, older adult falls accounted for three million emergency department trips.

Other consequences associated with older adult falls

Aside from debilitating injuries and lost lives, falls involving older adults can have other serious consequences. The CDC reports that falls involving people 65 and older generate $50 billion worth of medical expenses on an annual basis. Older adults who fall could struggle with medical debt and face financial problems due to losing their ability to work. In the wake of a fall, some older adults cannot live on their own anymore.

From leaky pipes and ice to clutter and broken steps, many risks account for the prevalence of these accidents. When older adults fall down due to the negligence of others, those responsible must face consequences.


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