Every day Americans bring their pets places in the car. Even though this may seem rather harmless, unrestrained animals can create distractions that could result in preventable accidents.
While it is not against the law to travel with pets, owners should exercise caution when they choose to bring their animals in their cars. Responsible habits may effectively minimize the risks of an accident happening because of driver distraction.
Use a restraint
A variety of harnesses and restraints make it convenient for pet owners to secure their animals in a vehicle. According to AARP, people should invest in restraints intended for use in a vehicle. If using a crate, people should properly secure the device to their seat or the floor just as they would a child in a car seat.
Animal restraints can increase pet safety and prevent pets from roaming throughout vehicles in operation. Pet owners who secure their animals may worry less about their pets getting underfoot, jumping out of a moving vehicle or getting hurt if the vehicle comes to an abrupt stop.
Set expectations
Many people enjoy training their pets to follow commands and model behaviors. According to the Pet Pro Supply Co., in a survey conducted by the American Automobile Association, nearly 90% of dog owners take their pets with them in the car. People can teach their pets good car behavior and reward their animals for compliance.
Proactive planning and responsible behavior can help people and their pets enjoy a safe road trip. If people and their pets do experience injuries in a car accident, they may have eligibility for compensation.