A workplace accident may leave you with serious injuries that require medical attention and may even keep you from returning to work for an extended period or permanently. Your employer’s workers’ compensation policy may provide you with much-needed assistance until you recover and can get back to work.
Understanding the benefits that you may receive through workers’ compensation after an on-the-job injury may help you protect your rights and interests.
Medical treatment
According to the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, the workers’ compensation benefits available to you after a workplace injury may include medical treatment for your condition. You may receive care deemed medically reasonable and necessary for as long as an authorized treating physician requires at no cost to you. For example, your employer’s workers’ compensation policy may cover the expenses for care including surgeries, office visits and diagnostic testing.
Wage replacement
If your physician takes you off work because of your injury or if you can work but injury restrictions have caused your average weekly earnings to decrease, you may receive temporary disability benefits. Paid by your employer’s insurance carrier, you may receive two-thirds of your average weekly earnings for the 52-months preceding your injury.
Travel expenses
You may also receive reimbursement for expenses related to traveling to and from medical treatments associated with your occupational injury. Your employer’s workers’ compensation coverage may provide mileage reimbursement for travel exceeding 15 miles one way.
If you suffer injuries on the job, your employer’s workers’ compensation carrier may ultimately make the decision regarding which benefits you do or do not receive. Should your claim for benefits get denied, you may choose to challenge the decision and request assistance from the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.