Hearing loss may not be something you think of as an on-the-job injury, but it is quite common. Since this is the type of injury that often happens over time, it is essential that you are aware of the signs that you may be losing your hearing. This will allow you to ensure that you make a timely workers’ compensation claim.
The Mayo Clinic explains that constant exposure to loud noise can lead to hearing loss, so if you work in a noisy environment, even if you have hearing protection, you may want to assess yourself for the common signs that something is going wrong with your hearing.
Look for help
It may be tough to get a diagnosis for hearing loss because you may not realize it is happening. The body is pretty amazing in how it can adapt to change. As you begin to lose your hearing, you may start to do things that help accommodate it without even realizing you are doing them. Because you may not notice, you should rely on those around you to help you recognize what is happening. Your family will probably start making comments and help you to realize that something may be wrong.
Common symptoms
Hearing loss will often lead to you changing your behaviors. You may start to avoid loud situations because you cannot hear others when they are talking to you due to the background noise. You may start turning the volume up on the television or radio to a volume that is higher than usual.
It is common to assume the problem is with the person talking. You may ask people to speak louder or to not mumble. You also may notice you constantly have to ask others to repeat themselves when talking to you.
If you notice symptoms, it is a good idea to see your health care provider for a quick check of your hearing. The sooner you get a diagnosis, the quicker you can make a workers’ compensation claim.