If you are like other drivers on I-40, you may have had a few close calls while you have been behind the wheel. Whether it is bad weather, reckless or drunk drivers, or speeding semitrucks, the roads can be a very dangerous place to be. While the only way to avoid a car accident is to stop driving and never ride in another car, this is not a realistic option for most people in Tennessee. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce your chances of becoming involved in an accident.
One of the best ways to decrease the risk of a car wreck to be aware of dangerous driving situations. Here are a few risky driving situations you should always be aware of when you are behind the wheel.
Buzzed and drunk driving
While you probably don’t have to worry too much about drunk drivers while you are on your way to work early on a Tuesday morning, you could be at a greater risk on the weekends or during holidays. Watch out for drivers driving too slowly, too close to other vehicles or in other erratic ways. These drivers could be drunk and could pose a serious threat to you and others.
Distracted driving
Distracted driving is generally just as dangerous as drunk driving. This is because, like intoxicated drivers, people who are distracted tend to have slower reflexes and reaction times and their focus is not on the road. Keep your distance from these drivers to reduce your chances of a collision.
Speed is one of the leading contributors to fatal accidents across the country. If you see a vehicle going significantly faster than the posted speed limit or surrounding traffic, it is best to simply stay out of the way. Even if this driver does not have a wreck with you, a crash with another car could set off a chain reaction that you could be unable to avoid.
Parking lots
While vehicles generally drive slower in parking lots, this is still a place where you need to stay alert. With all the distractions present in parking lots, these areas have a fairly high rate of accidents. If you want to keep your car dent free, take your time and pay attention to what is going on around you.
While the above tips can help you dodge an accident, sometimes a collision is completely unavoidable. If you have been the victim of a car accident, keep in mind that you have options. You might be able to file a claim for your injuries and other damages.