Even if you think you’re prepared to deal with the aftermath of a car accident, you never know what you’ll actually do if you find yourself in this position. By taking the right steps at the right time, you put yourself in position to deal with the many challenges associated with your accident.
Here are five steps you must take:
- Check yourself and passengers for injuries: This is job number one, as you need to better understand what you’re up against. If you or a passenger is seriously injured, administer first-aid until help arrives.
- Call 911: When you do this, it won’t be long before police and an ambulance rush to the scene to provide assistance. Don’t hesitate to ask for transportation to a local hospital, even if you don’t think you’re suffering from a serious injury.
- Exchange information: This is a basic step to take after any type of car accident, but it’s not always possible. For example, if you’re dealing with serious injuries, the last thing you’re thinking about is exchanging insurance information and contact details with the other driver(s).
- Contact your insurance company: Don’t do this until you have time in your schedule and a clear mind. Stick to the facts when discussing the accident with your agent. Also, if you don’t feel comfortable answering a question, let your agent know.
- Work with your medical team: Regardless of your injuries, work closely with your medical team to ensure that you’re doing whatever you can to make a full recovery. Also, keep track of every bit of treatment you receive, along with the bills associated with it. This information can come in handy when filing an insurance claim.
When you know what to do after a car accident it’s much easier to take the right steps without delay.
While your health and well-being is more important than anything else, there will come a point when you need to focus on the financial impact of the accident. Review your insurance policy, contact your agent and work with them to receive the compensation you deserve. When you focus on protecting your legal rights it’s much easier to avoid a situation in which you’re taken advantage of and left to pick up the pieces on your own.