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5 reasons why personal injury claims get complicated

On Behalf of | Jul 2, 2018 | Uncategorized |

A car accident happens in a matter of seconds. The damages that result from an accident last much longer. Injury after an accident can lead to present and future issues, both physically and financially. You will want to seek compensation for your injuries due to a negligent driver. In the beginning, you might feel like filing a personal injury claim by yourself is adequate. There are some important aspects of the process to consider first.

Basics of a personal injury claim

If you decide to file a claim independently, you will have to first gather all the information needed. All your medical records will need to be complied. Then, you will have to estimate your financial damages. The claims adjuster will receive your settlement demand. An error or weak claim can result in inadequate compensation, and you might have to file a lawsuit. The entire personal injury claim process can be difficult without legal assistance, and the outcomes are life-altering.

5 reasons why personal injury claims get complicated

  1. Insurance. The insurance company is not on your side. Employees will use your recorded statements and allow the statements to be directed by the insurance company. The company will earn more profit if your case is dismissed. That’s why it’s important to be extra careful when you interact with them.
  2. Doctors. Some people underestimate their injuries in the beginning. You might downplay your injuries, pain and suffering at the doctor’s office. This can sabotage your chance at receiving a fair settlement or winning a personal injury lawsuit.
  3. Medical treatments. You want to file your claim quickly. But realistically, it is sometimes hard to know the full extent of your injury. A few months down the road, you might need to have surgery. Depending on who is at fault for your personal injury, seeking compensation for your medical bills is another complicated process.
  4. Potential lawsuits.There is a chance that you review the settlement from the insurance company and it’s not enough. It’s essential that you are compensated for the physical and emotional damages of your personal injury. You may need to file a lawsuit. Your case should be convincing to the people sitting in the jury box.
  5. Changing laws. Like all states, Tennessee law is constantly changing.You want to get your personal injury claim done right the first time. Navigating the ever-changing laws of personal injury claims is hard to do. Without legal expertise, you might be uninformed about Tennessee’s statute of limitations, damages caps and much more.

There’s a lot to juggle when dealing with a personal injury claim. Many factors can disrupt your case. Legal strategy is important so your case is done correctly and you get the compensation you deserve. Learning the basics of personal injury law is a great first step to making decisions in the future.


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