After a workplace injury, you may want to return to work as quickly as possible to avoid missing out on too much of your paycheck. While it’s important to have an income, your safety is the first and foremost concern. Before you can return to work, you should consult with your authorized treating physician, insurance claims adjuster, attorney and employer to make sure you’re right in going back now.
When you return to work, you’ll need to be in contact with your physician and employer very closely. Let your employer know if something you’re doing is too hard or impossible due to your injury. Your physician can also give your employer information on what you can or cannot do. For instance, if you’ve been limited to lifting 35 pounds or less, your physician should notify your employer of that restriction when you return to work.
Whether or not you return to work may be based on the jobs you have the potential to perform. If your old job is not possible, your employer may offer you one that takes your injuries into consideration. You may be able to do this job while you recover from your injuries.
No matter how much you want to get back to work, you shouldn’t return to work after a work injury until you’ve received a medical release to do so. In the meantime, your employer should help you by filling out forms about the incident, so you can receive workers’ compensation. Our website has more on how workers’ compensation can help you pay your bills while you recover, so you can focus on your health.